v6.81 [Apr 27, 2017]
- Improved handling if you run out of disk space while downloading.
- Fixed issue where items in download list would sometimes get stuck.
- Attempts to rename files to something usable when subject is obfuscaed.
- Now allows edit of filter entries instead of having to delete and re-add.
- Fixed issue when using multiple configuration files.
v6.56 [Apr 1, 2013]
- Another sneaky fix for custom lists.
v6.42 [May 9, 2012]
- New pathing mechanism to allow you to insert different elements to create custom download paths.
- New NZB Watch Folder feature. You can create a folder for sending NZB files for processing and specify different download and unrar paths to apply to the contents of the NZBs in each watch folder if you like. The feature is configured under Options/NZB Options.
- AutoPAR tweaks so it will work better with a wider variety of RAR set posting styles.
- AutoPAR state data is all stored in memory now. AutoPAR2.db3 only saves data between runs now. This increases reliability by reducing the chance of corrupting the database file and provides some performance optimizations.
- Peforming an empty search in Internet Search is now a wildcard search. Returns the the most recent items added to the Search database. If you specify a group or group folder, it will return all posts for the current day for the specified groups. Clicking the "Load Older Posts" will then go back a day at a time into the past.
- New "Performance" section in the Options menu that allows you to easily tweak options to work best on high end machines or low end machines.
- Now prompts on exit. This can be turned off under Options/Confirmation Windows. Defaults to on so people can see the new feature exists.
v6.34 [Dec 30, 2011]
- Fixed display issue when Show Filenames is turned on.
- Labeled as final 6.32 for quick release to production. Safe fix.
v6.21 [Nov 15, 2011]
- Fixed issue with TCP Interface (NBRemote) ability to download from NZB files
- Fixed issue with crashing during Search introduced a couple of builds back.
- Removed file count support for search results, was causing a crash. Sneaking this up as RC2 since
there are no functionality or feature changes.
- Add range limiting when retrieving search results.
- Download: Fill server sometimes returned empty chunk data
- Changed AutoPAR to rename duplicate files during unrar and leave them in the destination folder.
- Download: Fix the bug in ID3 mode introduced in last build
- Content Filter: Ignore filenames and check the file directly to determine if it's a RAR Spammers are embedding RARS named something else.
- Display: Make local search and post lists work with accented characters
- Search: Support new file counts from the search server (will start showing counts when new search server code is promoted to production)
- Autopar: Fixed issue where saved passwords wouldn't apply if a rar set had no par files
- Autopar: Bypass spam filtering if a password is set.
- Autopar: Got "Assign password" working with download list.
- Display: Display a warning when opening the groups list and there's no groups.db3 file.
- Display: Autopar properties now permits setting a unrar password
- Display: Items in the failed list will always highlight red in the post list, even if downloaded already
- Display: Ctrl-F4 - might need to delete workspace.xml
- Display: Fixed server counts (was turned off for testing and forgot to turn back on)
- Remote: Fixed issue with filters being disabled when using TCP interface (NBRemote).
- Fixed filtering issue with NBRemote TCP Interface introduced in 6.2
- Fixed intermittent internal crash issue when downloading.
- File downloading from remote now downloads to the proper group folder.
- Fixed issue with database compaction utility
- Download: New bandwidth limiter design
- Download: New and more reliable ID3 parser.
- Autopar: Disabled par unpauser - works like 6.11 again.
- Display: Fixed issue in 6.20B3-1447 where it would not save 'Filename Options->MP3 Tag Usage' settings.
- Display: Enter now sends wish list items to download.
- Display: hooked up right and left arrows in download and wish list to toggle expansion, like in the post list.
- Fixed duplicate detection
- Fixed issue where Newsbin would lose previous settings for Confirmation Windows. Starting
over with new settings. All are on by default. You can turn them off if you don't want them
under Options/Confirmation Windows.
- Changed how file uploading works in remote mode to fix a delay that was occuring.
- Other minor tweaks.
- Fixed issue with temp files not being removed by AutoPAR when path override is not used.
- Disabled the internal record cache, appears to have improved single connection performance.
- Cosmetic fixes, changed wording for new Use Download Age feature, fixed some grammar.
- Fixed issue that potentially could have caused post list crashing.
- Autopar: If override path is not set, make sure folder override doesn't work too
- Display: Verify that custom lists can accept entries from loaded NZBs
- Display: Added new feature, Right Click/Post Storage/Use Download Age. (Says Display Age right now, that's wrong)
- Display: Re-ordered the status bar a little.
- Display: Fixed issue where proxy settings complained about not having username and password even when auth isn't enabled.
- Download: Addressed excessive re-sizing of the per download article buffer.
- Download: Re-worked the chunk cache with a different way to initialize size.
- Download: Speed limiter now throttles NNTP connections only and not Internet Search results or TCP Interface (nbremote).
- Download: During chunk downloads, made changes to not always retry depending on the error. Some errors mean disconnect.
- Download: If a server fails the XFEATURES request and it's not an auth failure, now disables xfeatures.
- Fixed issue where loading with "Display Age" wouldn't work on a subsequent load unless you load another range first.
- Added failsafe to force assembly of files sitting in the download list if all else fails.
- Fixed issue with NZB autoload processing zip files containing text files other than .NZB. It now verifies
that included text files are actually .NZB files before processing.
- Removed "Scheduler Paused" as a state. Now just has Enabled or Disabled.
Known Issues:
- Turning Scheduler on from the Options menu does not toggle the Scheduler status in the Status bar.
- ctrl-F4 won't close tabs
- Further reduced RAM usage in default configuration
- Fixed issue with Read Post Body
- Fixed issue where Scheduler status is not updated in the Status bar if changed from the Options screen.
- Display: Hooked up the global download count again (odometer) in the bottom left side of Status bar.
- Display: Many changes to how the NBI file and config defaults are set. Fixed some "initial startup" issues.
- Display: Crash fix when using "Show Filenames"
- Download: Reduced download list memory use by 50% by cleaning up some old data structures.
- Download: Fix for assemble incompletes not always working.
- Download: Fix for "update download list from header download" not always working.
- Download: Cut default RAM cache in 1/2. Cache: counter at the bottom reserves 100 instead of 200 buckets.
- Multiple internal improvements
- Changed label of "Slave Mode" to "No Header Download". More descriptive
- Fixed DThor's unrar path thing.
- Can toggle Scheduler by clicking in the status bar. Toggles between Enabled/Paused/Disabled
- Display: Fixed issue where resetting the display in newsbin apparently cleared the shortcuts too.
- Download: When autopar is disabled, use normal rename rules for par2s.
- Display: Changed color of text in the status bar when pause of speed limit hit. Wasn't readible under some themes.
- Display: When you make an NZB, it no longer adds the subjects to the "queued" cache.
- Display: Pause and rate limit now change colors on the status bar when active
- Display: Lock on the toolbar now prevents accidential closure of all windows except the post lists.
- Display: Made the search window much harder to close or hide now. Can still move it around though
- Display: Figured out how to remove the window targets. Can make it optional now.
- NZB: Generating NZB's no longer sets the "Queued" flag in the post list. Generating NZB's was adding subject to the subject cache.
- ContentFilter: Fix for rar parser. Invalid rars are rejected out of hand
- Display : "Scheduler Active", "Scheduler Paused: " on the status bar. "Scheduler Disabled"
Known Issues:
- Schedule pause doesn't pause yet. If just disables the scheduler.
- ctrl-F4 won't close tabs
- If ALL chunks fail to download from a file, it'll attempt to assemble which is both misleading.
- Unexplained cases where Newsbin will stall downloads for no apparent reason.
- Display : Make the red lines in the posts lists show the actual error message. Signature match and viral errors now show on the post list for headers.
- Display: Changed "Load Special" dialog to work no matter whether from or to is larger. Meaning as long as there is a time span, it doesn't matter which is smaller or largers.
- Display: Now always checks the failed list for failed files in all post lists. Mark red if failed for any reason.
- Display: Added option to reset GUI on next restart. Under Options menu in the menu bar.
- Display: Added option to load backup NBI on next start. Under Options menu in the menu bar
- Download: Made changes to the subject compactor so it is more flexible
- Download: Include "webm" as a valid compactable file format.
- Download: Default chunk cache size is now 100. Min permissible chunk cache size is 50.
- Added new options category in the Options screen called "Spam Filters". Tells Newsbin to look for certain common types of spam.
- Fixed issue where Newsbin will crash if you click the "Display and Update the Groups" button on the Groups tab.
- Fixed issue with the progress display
Known Issues:
- ctrl-F4 won't close tabs
- If ALL chunks fail to download from a file, it'll attempt to assemble which is both misleading.
- Unexplained cases where Newsbin will stall downloads for no apparent reason.
- Display: Fix for memory corruption caused by scheduler
- Download: Implemented new RAR parser that lets Newsbin stop encrypted files at the first chunk. The full file checker is still in place too.
- Autopar: Fixed problem processing QPMS files introduced into 6.20. Missing a single ASS file was preventing repair and unrar.
- Download: Rar's that contain EXE's are failed if "filter encrypted" is enabled. This is just a stopgap till the spam tab is made.
- Display: Files in the posts list will now turn red when the same files are in the failed list.
- Download: Added a retry the "getdiskfree" call. It seems to return no free space from time to time.
- Download: Fixed issue with Assemble incompletes.
Known Issue: There's something wrong with the progress display
- Fixed issue where Newsbin can hang after setting new Scheduler configuration (we hope)
New Features: Scheduler and Proxy Support
- Network: Socks4/Sock5 and HTTPS proxy support. Socks5 and HTTPS Tested with and without auth.
- Display: Scheduler feature is in the Options.
- Display: Scheduler can be disabled and enabled from the task bar icon.
- Posting: Now encodes all header lines UTF-8 when posting. Asian language posting should show correct language in the groups.
- Autopar: Made unrar timestamp setting optional (disabled by default).
- Headers: Implemented a less intensive method for importing headers into the DB
- Download: Fixed issue handling subjects that are already UTF-8 encoded. Asian language support for some UTF subject lines.
- Display: "Display Age" now capped internally to 5000. Prevents excessive values from underwrapping.
- Download: In memory files doesn't generate any NB2 files. The final output file is written instead. Lack of rename might help some NAS's.
v5.59 [Oct 3, 2008]
- Display: Add "Load Special" to load dropdown.
- Added logic to block illegal folder characters from being used in a custom list name. i.e. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- Fixed issue where server download counts were not getting incremented
v5.21 [Jul 26, 2008]
- Display: Add "Load Special" to load dropdown.
- Added logic to block illegal folder characters from being used in a custom list name. i.e. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
- Fixed issue where server download counts were not getting incremented
Reluva Usenet Client is a special tool to download binaries from the newsgroups.